Today, I was in the school library trying to register for classes (I still need 1-2 more T.T) and I decided to check out the website. I noticed that the pictures looked really blurry. That is, until I changed the contrast on th screen xD Genius! So, if you see the drawings blurry, make sure you change the contrast on your screen to 50% and the brightness to about 80%. This should make the drawings look better!

Later on today, I got an email responding to a question I had about the website. I wanted the manga to continue through links at the bottom of the latest drawing. I learned how to do it and now The Benz Comic is lookin' great! I won't fix it for the drawings though. Too much work. I think the mangas are more important to work with. I need about 14 more pages to post for The Benz Comic but... I still have to work on ideas for "Remember Cookies?" and like I might have mentioned, I won't start posting anything until about January. I'm sorry! I was thinking of posting sneak peaks, but some of the sketches that I have right now are sneak peaks enough. Hang in there guys! Only a few more days 'till I can get started! Who knows, I might even start a little earlier.
Ps: I wonder why my drawings come out so huge o.o... I should have a talk with my scanner -.-.....